2020, USA.
To set the stage and shine a spotlight on the Mitsubishi SUV family, we rolled out a series of TV spots, revealing every perk that comes with owning one of these mighty vehicles. Throughout this exciting project, my role was to steer the visual ship—from tweaking colors, cherry-picking the best shots, to finessing the text placement and crafting those slick end cards.



Creative Direction: Marcela Angeles
Copywriting: Ricardo Sosa & Hector Jamesson
Art Direction: Adrián Vásquez
Motion / VFX: Roberto Licea & Alejandro de Uriarte


Hewlett-PackardArt Direction

Young Monks 2022Creative & Art Direction

OMENCreative & Art Direction

Mitsubishi MotorsArt Direction

Beyond MeatArt Direction

Young Lions MéxicoCreative & Art Direction

Northgate MarketCreative & Art Direction

Maestro Dobel TequilaCreative & Art Direction

Bud Light The Good AccidentCreative & Art Direction

Ticket To Cannes 2016Creative Direction

Honda Fit 2014Art Direction

m. [email protected]
t. +52 55 1360-3352
in. /advaro

ig. @otro.adrian

© 2023 Adrián Vásquez Robles. All rights reserved.